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100 Club Winners Update

100 Club Winners Update

LRCC ADMIN8 Mar - 10:41

£500 has been won by members since October !! But you have to be IN IT to WIN IT

The 100 Club Draw for March has taken place, and the winners are ;

44 - Steve Riley
75 - James Barrow
8 - Carl Bloomfield
21 - Malcolm Berryman
131 - Madeleine Wild

In recent months winnings have also been paid out to ;

Caroline & Andy Hilton
Duncan Long
Steve Saycell
Chaz Janczur
Laurence Fiddler
Freya Gordon James
Jonny Allcock
David Lush
Duncan Berry
Malcolm Webb

Congratulations to all.

Reminder - 100 Club winnings are now paid ONLINE ONLY - so please ensure we have your up to date bank account details.

And remember - if you want to get most up to date info and to find out about winnings, please join the WhatsApp Group.

To join the 100 Club and have a chance to win - use this form here.

Thanks !

Further reading